A man brings his dog to a talent event.
“What’s your dog’s talent?” asks the host.
The guy responds, “He talks!”
The audience giggles in astonishment. The presenter smiles and says, “Okay, let’s see this talking dog.”
The man turns to his dog. “What’s on top of a house?”
The dog barks: “Roof!”
The audience moans.
The guy goes on, “What’s the opposite of smooth?”
The dog barks: “Rough!”
People start booing, but the man continues.
“Who’s the greatest baseball player of all time?”
The dog barks enthusiastically, “Ruth!”
The audience loses it, yelling abuses, and the guy and his dog are ejected.
Sitting on the curb, the dog looks up at his owner and asks, “Should I have said Hank Aaron instead?”